The 614 Group encourages experts and authors to submit articles that discuss digital marketing topics of interest to: mid to senior level exec’s at agencies, brands, ad tech suppliers, publishers, marketing and advertising trade associations.

The goal of The 614 Group’s Monday Bytes newsletter is to showcase thought leadership for our audience. This can take the shape of surfacing issues in the digital marketing industry, providing a coherent and cogent POV on an issue that is timely either within the industry or the broader society that the industry should get ahead of, sharing best practices, covering new research findings.   

The articles may not be directly/overtly promotional for the writer’s company nor their products nor may author’s clients be cited without obtaining advance permission.  Citations must be included for any sources used in the articles.  

Article submissions must be original. We will not publish any pieces that have been previously published elsewhere. 

Style can be colloquial. Humor is appreciated regardless of style. However, humor must be appropriate. The 614 Group editors have sole responsibility for determining suitability.

Narrative structure can be flexible as long as the reader’s takeaway or takeaways are clear.  

Word count should be 500-750.  While this word count is optimal, if a submission goes beyond it and the extra length is deemed necessary to the quality of the piece, it will be accepted.  

The 614 Group is wholly responsible for the content of Monday Bytes and reserves the right to edit all submissions prior to publication.  The act of  submitting a blog does not constitute a guarantee of publication even if a piece follows the guidelines above. The 614 Group retains rights to the content published. Authors may request permission to republish their work elsewhere.