The digital advertising industry has long acknowledged that the fight against fraud requires a concerted effort, with media agencies, buy-side platforms, sell-side platforms, and publishers working together to ensure traffic quality and brand safety. In this vein, the industry came together in 2014 to form the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), a cross-industry self-regulatory program to fight ad fraud and other criminal issues in the digital supply chain.

TAG’s Certified Against Fraud Program (aka, TAG Certification) focuses on combating fraudulent invalid traffic (IVT) across the digital advertising industry, and provides companies with a means to communicate publicly their commitment to combating this type of criminal activity. This study covers the:

  • effectiveness of the TAG Certified Against Fraud methodology in digital advertising
  • industry perception of TAG and the fight against fraud
  • rates of general invalid traffic (GIVT) and sophisticated invalid (SIVT) vs. industry averages
